Australian Collectable Vintage Fishing Reels. EBRO fishing reel model identification information, by Bernie Ladd, 2/2/2014.
EBRO Fishing Reels. This segment features eight different EBRO side cast models and various Nottingham reels produced by Rogers Bros, a general engineering company. The Melbourne-based factory where the EBRO reels were made was founded by Edward Bullock Rogers in 1930. EBRO fishing reels were mainly produced for the Australian market, but also exported overseas. Production of EBRO reels ceased around 1960, due to the flooding of the local market with reels from the USA and Japan. Roger Bros, could not compete economically with these mass-produced cheaper imports. The Rogers Bros, Manufacturing Works Pty. Ltd. continued its general engineering works until finally it closed down in the early 1990s. >< )))) * >
EBRO Sidecast reels.
Ebro No.68. Lock Handle Drag Slipping Drum sidecast reel. Bakelite drum (spool) width 3 1/8"; diameter 4 1/2"; nickel plated brass fittings; capstan drag, optional check button; press button ball bearing turntable (pivot); Bakelite grooved handle knobs; grease cup. ambidextrous usability. Ebro and Pat No 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c.1937. (Eo 1)
Ebro No.68. {later version} Lock Handle Drag Slipping Drum sidecast reel. Bakelite drum width 3 1/8"; diameter 4 1/2"; nickel plated brass fittings; capstan drag, optional check - anti-reverse levers; press button pin notch lock turntable (pivot); Bakelite grooved handle-knobs; grease cup. Ambidextrous usability. Ebro and Pat No 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c.1937. (Eo 2)
Ebro No.65. Minor. Lock Handle Drag Slipping Drum side cast reel. Bakelite drum width 2 5/16"; diameter 3 1/2"; nickel plated brass fittings; capstan drag, optional check - anti-reverse levers; press button pin notch lock turntable (pivot); Bakelite grooved handle knobs; grease cup. Ambidextrous usability. Ebro and Pat No 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c.1937. Very rare. (Eo 3)
Ebro No.62. Centrepin Quick Release Latch side cast reel. Bakelite drum width 3 1/8''; diameter 4 1/2''; nickel plated brass fittings; patented centre pin release latch; optional check; press button pin notch lock turntable (pivot); Bakelite grooved handle knobs. Ambidextrous usability. EBRO moulded in drum front -c 1930s. (Eo 4)
Ebro No.59. Centrepin Quick Release Latch side cast reel. Bakelite drum (spool) width 3 1/8''; diameter 4 1/2''; nickel plated brass fittings; patented centre pin release latch; optional check button; Ball bearing turntable (pivot); Bakelitegrooved handle knobs. Ambidextrous usability. EBRO moulded in drum front -c 1930s. Rare ball-bearing turntable. (Eo 5)
Ebro No.59. Centrepin Quick Release Latch side cast reel. Bakelite drum (spool) width 2 3/8 "; diameter 3 1/2"; nickel plated brass fittings; patented centre pin release latch; optional check; press button pin notch lock turntable (pivot); Bakelite grooved handle knobs. Ambidextrous usability. EBRO moulded in drum front -c.1930s. Hard to find in good original order. (Eo 6)
Ebro No.59. Centrepin Quick Release Latch side cast reel. Bakelite drum (spool) width 2 3/8 "; diameter 3 1/2"; nickel plated brass fittings; patented centre pin release latch; optional check; press button pin notch lock turntable (pivot); Bakelite grooved handle knobs. Ambidextrous usability. EBRO moulded in drum front, Sporting Wholesalers: Evans & Balfour 269 Lit Collins St Melb, on decal -c.1930s. Very rare with decal. (Eo 7)
Ebro No.63. Knurled drag nut model.Bakelite drum (spool) width 2 3/8''; diameter 3 1/2''; nickle plated brass fittings; optional check lever; press button pin notch lock turntable (pivot); Erinoid bulbous handle knobs. Ambidextrous use .EBRO moulded in drum front -c. 1940. Hard to find. (Eo 8)
EBRO fishing reel brochure -c. 1937.
Rogers bros engineering factory 1930.
EBRO Game Reel No. 74.
Ebro No. 74 Game Reel. (early model) Heavy-duty canvas-impregnated black bakelite drum (spool). Brass fittings are nickel-plated (later models were chromium-plated). Drum (spool) width 2 9/16''; diameter 6''; optional check-free spool levers; bikerdyke line guard; Erinoid ribbed handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. Ebro stamped on the backplate EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1930s. Early models are rare. (Eo 9)
EBRO General Purpose Drag No. 71 models.
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel First Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated (later models were chromium plated). Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; optional check-free spool levers; bikerdyke line guard; Ebonite Slim Handle Knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1930s. Scarce, ( E 10)
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel Early Version Canvas Impregnated Drum (spool) With Original Storage Box.
Brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; optional check-free spool levers; bikerdyke line guard; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1930s. Rare in this condition with the original box. (Eo 11)
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel single sliding check button model. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; single sliding check button; bikerdyke line guard; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1930s. Scarce. (Eo 12)
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel. On-Off Anti-Reverse HEXAGONAL Lever Button model. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; hexagonal on-off anti-reverse; bikerdyke line guard; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1930s. Rare version. (Eo 13)
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel Later Version Bulbous Handles. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; optional check-free spool levers; bikerdyke line guard; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1940s. (Eo 14)
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel Later Version Bulbous Handles. New design bikerdyke fixture. Metal components Chromium Plated Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings chromium plated. Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; optional check-free spool levers; bikerdyke line guard (missing); Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1940s. (Eo 15)
Ebro No. 71 General Purpose Reel Last Version. New design Ribbed Bakelite Drum Front. Metal components Chromium Plated. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings chromium plated; front Ribbed Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; optional check-free spool levers; bikerdyke line guard; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; capstan drag; grease cup. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front -c. 1940s. (Eo 16)
EBRO General Purpose No. 50 models.
Ebro No. 50 Centrepin Nottingham Reel. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated; Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; sliding hexagonal optional check (Radial Spring); revolving line guide and thumb rest; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; centre pin release latch.
EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 30 moulded in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1930s. Scarce early model. (Eo 17)
Ebro No. 50 Centrepin Nottingham Reel. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated; Drum (spool) width 2 '';
diameter 4 7/16''; sliding hexagonal optional check; revolving line guide and thumb rest; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; centre pin release latch
EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 30 moulded in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1930s. Scarce early model. (Eo 18)
Ebro No. 50 Centrepin, Lever Check Nottingham Reel. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated; Drum (spool) width 2 '';
diameter 4 7/16''; lever optional check; revolving line guide and thumb rest; Ebonite grooved handle knobs. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 30 moulded in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1930s. Hard to find in the original order. (Eo19)
Ebro No. 50 CentrepnLever Check Centrepin Nottingham Reel Last Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings Chromium plated; Drum (spool) width 2 ''; diameter 4 7/16''; lever optional check; revolving line guide and thumb rest; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 30 moulded in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1940s. Rare in mint order with box. (Eo 20)
EBRO General Purpose No. 47 models.
Ebro No. 47 release Latch, Lever Check Centrepin Nottingham Reel. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated; Drum (spool) width 1 5/8 ''; diameter 3 1/2''; lever optional check; revolving line guide and thumb rest; Ebonite grooved handle knobs. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1930s. Hard to find in original order. (Eo 21)
Extremely Rare Ebro Nottingham Casting reel.
Ebro Casting Nottingham Reel. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated; Drum (spool) width 1 5/8 ''; diameter 3 1/2''; lever optional check; 1 3/4'' line guide; thumb and finger rest; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; centre pin release latch. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1930s. (Eo 22)
EBRO MAJOR models.
Ebro Major No. 41 Nottingham. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2'', diameter 4 1/2''; lever optional check; revolving line guide; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; drum retaining slotted nut; black painted pressed metal backplate.
EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 23)
Ebro Major No. 42 Nottingham Later Version Drag Nut. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2'', diameter 4 1/2'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Erinoid Bulbous handle knobs; Drum Drag Nut nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and Off-On stamped on backplate -c.1940s. (Eo 24)
Ebro Major No. 35 Centrepin Nottingham. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 2'', diameter 4''; optional sliding check button; revolving line guide; Erinod Slim Handle Knobs; centre pin release latch; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and On - Off stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 25)
Ebro Major No. 29 Nottingham Early Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 3/4'', diameter 4'' optional sliding check button; revolving line guide; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; drum retaining slotted nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 26)
Ebro Major No. 29 Nottingham Later Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 3/4'', diameter 4'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; drum retaining slotted nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 27)
Ebro Major No. 20 Nottingham Early Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickle plated. Drum (spool) width 1 5/8'', diameter 3 1/2'' optional sliding check button ; revolving line guide; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; drum retaining slotted nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 28)
Images published asap.
Ebro Major No. 20 Nottingham Later Version Centrepin. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 5/8'', diameter 3 1/2'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 29)
Ebro Major No. 23 Nottingham. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 5/8'', diameter 3 1/2'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; drum retaining slotted nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1940s. Very hard to find in original condition with box. (Eo 30)
Ebro Major No. 24 Nottingham Drag Nut Early Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 5/8'', diameter 3 1/2'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; Drum Drag Nut nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1930s. Very hard to find in its original condition. (Eo 31)
Ebro Major No. 24 Nottingham Drag Nut Later Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 5/8'', diameter 3 1/2'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; Drum Drag Nut nut; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1940s. Very hard to find in its original condition. ( Eo 32)
Ebro Major No. 26 Nottingham Centrepin. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 5/8'', diameter 3 1/2'' optional check lever; revolving line guide; Bulbous Erinoid handle knobs; drum centre pin release latch; black painted pressed metal backplate. EBRO and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 moulded in drum front, Ebro Major and ON - OFF stamped on backplate -c.1940s. (Eo 33)
EBRO Minor models.
Ebro Minor No. 17 Nottingham Early Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 3/8'', diameter 3 '' optional sliding check button; revolving line guide; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; black painted pressed metal backplate. Ebro Minor and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 stamped on backplate -c.1940s. (Eo 34)
Ebro Minor No. 17 Nottingham Later Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 3/8'', diameter 3 '' optional sliding check button; revolving line guide; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; black painted pressed metal backplate. Ebro Minor and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 stamped on backplate -c.1940s. (Eo 35)
Ebro Minor No. 14 Nottingham Non-Line Guide Model. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 3/8'', diameter 3 'optional sliding check button; Erinoid bulbous handle knobs; black painted pressed metal backplate. Ebro Minor and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 stamped on backplate -c.1940s. Rare in original mint condition with No. 14 box. (Eo 36)
EBRO Minor All Brass Nottingham. Brass drum (spool) diameter 3 1/6''; width 1 3/16''; Brass handle knob; pressed brass backplate. Ebro Minor and Pat. No. 5927-32 stamped on the backplate. Extremely rare. (Eo 37)
EBRO Midget models.
Ebro Midget No. 8 Nottingham Early Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 1/4'', diameter 2 1/2''; optional sliding check button; Ebonite grooved handle knob; black pressed metal backplate. Ebro Midget and Pat. No. 5927 / 32 stamped on backplate -c.1930s. (Eo 38)
Ebro Midget No. 8 Nottingham Later Version. Bakelite drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated. Drum (spool) width 1 1/4'', diameter 2 1/2''; optional sliding check button; Erinoid bulbous handle knob; black painted pressed metal backplate.
Ebro Midget stamped on backplate -c.1940s. (Eo 39)
EBRO Simplex models.
fig 1
EBRO Simplex No. 2 Fly reel.. Stainless steel drum (spool) diameter 2''; width 7/8'' ; Stainless steel handle knob; optional check; black painted pressed metal backplate. Ebro and Pat No. 5927-32 stamped on backplate -c 1930s. Rare. (Eo 4o). Simplex (Eo 41) drum and back plate of brass (fig 1) other specs as Eo 40.
EBRO Blackfish model.
Ebro Blackfish - Luderick Centrepin Nottingham Reel. Aluminium drum (spool); brass fittings nickel plated; Drum (spool) width 1 ''; diameter 4 9/16''; optional sliding check button; Porcelain rotating line guide; Ebonite grooved handle knobs; centre pin release latch. EBRO and Pat. No. 29886 / 30 cast in drum front, Pat No. 5927 - 32 stamped on centre pin cover plate -c. 1930. Extremely rare.
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